In Alaska, salmon is a stable food on most tables. With a relatively short salmon season and high demand, it’s no surprise that many different types of salmon are smoked. Even though different types of salmon get smoked, they all share different delicious flavors. People from all across the world have been savoring smoked salmon…
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Archives for February 2023
Fly Tying: March Brown by Kevin Foley
About Kevin Foley Kevin Foley is the fly-tying instructor at Mossy’s Fly Shop in Anchorage, Alaska. His philosophy and teachings on fly tying involve the use of natural and synthetic materials to create the illusion of life. As a scientist, having received his Master of Science in Fisheries, he believes that observation and time on…
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Who Doesn’t Like Potcakes?- Support The Bahamas by Helping the Potcakes
A mixed-breed dog known as a “Potcake” can be found in Caribbean islands, most especially The Bahamas or Turks & Caicos Islands. Although the potcake’s appearance varies and they frequently feature terrier, shepherd, or retriever qualities, they are regarded as having a “shepherd-mix” look. In The Bahamas, these dogs are known as “Bimini Dogs” and…
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Tips on Mousing for Rainbow Trout and Grayling at Alaska West
Mousing for big rainbow trout at Alaska West is exciting. Big Alaskan Rainbow Trout like their protein and small mammals like mice, voles, and shrews offer them an excellent opportunity to get their protein fix. Watching big trout eat a mouse is quite an experience! The same goes for grayling. Grayling also have an appetite…
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What’s Happening with Pebble Mine- Good News for Alaska
On January 30, 2023, The United States Environmental Protection Agency issued a Final Determination or, final Clean Water Act safeguards for the headwaters of Bristol Bay in an effort to stop and regulate the flow of mining waste into streams and rivers. The Clean Water Act safeguards are one critical piece in the puzzle to…
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