There are many great places to fly fish, but few can compare with the beauty and abundance of Bristol Bay in Alaska. The remote and pristine area is a haven for fly fishers, offering plenty of rainbow trout, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, chinook salmon, grayling, char, and dolly varden. Fly anglers flock to Bristol Bay for the lure of excellent fly fishing opportunities across the vast tundra lands. Still, it is also an incredible natural exhibit for wildlife enthusiasts to view all the animals that flourish here.

Rapids Camp Lodge has provided fly fishing and other outdoor adventure experiences for more than 30 years. Rapids Camp Lodge offers unparalleled fly fishing in the heart of the famed Bristol Bay watershed. Easy to get to, hard to leave: your Destination is just an 80-minute flight from Anchorage, yet it’s a world away from the hustle and bustle of modern-day life.

We can accommodate Corporate adventure retreats to solo travelers with five-star rustic luxury, our staff of professional guides, pilots, gourmet chefs, and multiple support personnel are there to serve a maximum of ten guests per week with single or double-occupancy lodging. We provide everything you need for the fly fishing trip of a lifetime: the finest rods, reels, tackle and waders, float-equipped de Havilland Beavers, a Turbine Otter on amphibious floats, top-of-the-line jet boats, and the very best fishing in Alaska! And if you’re looking for more than a great fishing trip, we also offer glacier and volcano flight-seeing and bear and wildlife viewing.

We are currently offering Special Pricing for specific weeks in June, July, and September during the 2023 season. To book or if you need more information and Pricing, contact us at info@deneki.com or call us at (907) 563-9788.
Don’t miss out on a fly fishing adventure of a lifetime at Rapids Camp Lodge, where fishing is the Destination.
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