It’s King Salmon season here in Alaska both on the Nushagak River and Kanektok River. As one of the most sought-after game fish in the world, King Salmon can be picky. With the help of our friend George Cook, we got some RIO flies that will do the trick. So here are a few flies we like for King Salmon. RIO’s mantra of “make the connection” has come to fruition, with RIO adding the fly category to their product line.

Trailer Trash Fly– Color Mashups include Chartreuse and Blue (Baitfish), Black and Blue, Red, Purple, and Black (Nightshade), White, Peach, Pink, and Orange (Sherbert).

Animal Fly- Color mash-ups include Black and Blue, Pink and Purple, Pink and Orange, Black and Red, Pink, and White.

Checkmate Fly– Color mash-ups include Chartreuse, Cream, and Black, Blue, and Chartreuse, Pink and Orange, Pink and Purple, and Black and Blue.

Hare Snare Fly– Color mash-ups include Chartreuse/ Pink, Pink (Cerise), Purple, and Black.
Stop by your local fly shop pick some up and let us know how it goes!
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