Year after year, Alaska West Lodge has been one of the most coveted Fly Angling fishing experiences in the world. In June, King Salmon is the big draw. Fly anglers from around the world emote come every year to experience the challenge of catching a King Salmon on the awesome Kanektok River.

In July, the chances of managing a the Alaskan Grand Slam are best; five species of Alaskan Salmon, Kings, Chum, Sockeye, Coho, and Pink. In addition, Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden, Grayling, and even Sheefish. What a wonder!

Now is the time if you’ve ever had a hankering to take a fly fishing trip of a lifetime at Alaska West Lodge. With outside influences and challenging status quo, creating needs to change and reschedule, this leaves us with what Economists call Positive Externalities…for you, of course. If you don’t know what positive externality is, we have a team member with a degree in Economics. He really, really likes fly fishing but is not very good. He has a degree in Economics but wasn’t a perfect student. That being said, he has a passion for fly fishing and did contribute the headline of this post.
Weeks with Availablity:
Week One – June 12th -19th– This is a HUGE anomaly. You should take advantage if you can.
Week Four – July 3rd – 10th – Prime time for an Alaskan Grand Slam.
Take advantage of this unusual opportunity while you still can. Having spots available at Alaska West during Prime King Salmon Season and Alaskan Grand Slam Season is definitely not normal. Contact us at info@deneki.com or give us a call at (907) 563-9788 to secure a fishing experience of a lifetime in Alaska. We are more than willing to oblige.
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