In this week’s Deneki Chronicles, we explore why it’s best to cast, then step. Jiggy.

Cast, mend, swing fly, take a few steps downriver, repeat. That’s how you fish for steelhead, right?
Not necessarily. Michael White stops by in video form today, straight from the Dean River, to tell us a bit about how he likes to present flies to steelhead.
The basic idea – rather than stepping downriver after your swing has completed and before your next cast, try stepping after you cast, before the fly starts swinging. Here’s why stepping after your cast might be a good idea.
- It prevents you from mending your fly back ‘out of the zone’.
- It gives your fly time to sink before it starts swinging.
- It allows to you control where your fly is ultimately going to go once it starts swinging.
Have a gander.
Note: If you’re viewing this in a newsletter or a reader, click here to see Whitey cast and step on YouTube.
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