Today we honor all those we call Mom. Especially after a year of trials, tribulations, and uncertainty, moms had to power up to tackle an already challenging role. Mothers give everything and expecting nothing.

Every year, Mother’s Day comes and goes, and we all fall short in doing enough to honor the person who has supported you, overlooked your blunders, and helped shape you into the person you are today.

There are many types of Moms; Mom, Mum, Madre, Mama, Umma, Auntie, and Grandma; whatever way you address the person you consider, Mom, regardless of where your Mother is, honor, celebrate, and thank Her. And to all those who want to be Moms but are not yet, we honor you as well. You have to be one tough cookie to be a Mother, but you already know that. Great Mothers make this world a better place, and we honor all of you. Happy Mother’s Day.
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