As Fly anglers, we don’t need a lot of inspiration to hit the road to go fly fish and when we surf Instagram there is a lot of inspiration out there. We’ve all seen it, great photos of the fish caught on a fly amongst the pristine backdrop of gin-clear streams and rolling mountains. It just makes you want to go fish. With the rise of social media, the world of fly fishing, like many other industries has been influenced, and when fly fishers started sharing their “grip and grins,” we were worried about what kind of impact it could make on the industry and the fish. Like a lot of other users of social media, the euphoria of a “like” on social media can become an addiction. The pursuit of the perfect shot, with the perfect fish, with the perfect background, comes with risk. The irony is fly fishing is a perfect escape to tranquility, adventure, and release from the rigamarole of the connected everyday life. As much as there is a lot of “bad” with social media, we believe there is a lot of good out there. We’re not here to bash social media and those who abuse it. There is already too much of that going on. We’re here to celebrate all those who we feel leverage social media in a positive and productive manner. This is by no means is a complete or perfect list. This list of Instagram accounts comprises people and organizations that are advocates of the fly fishing industry. They promote and protect the sport and the environment in which it lives. So enjoy following these industry leaders and positive influencers who tell stories that advance the outdoors, art, and all things fly fishing. Oh, in case you’re wondering…yes we do have Instagram, @deneki. Gives us a follow too!
Tail Fly Fishing Magazine @tailflyfishingmagazine
Alvin Dedeaux @alvin_dedeaux_fly_fishing
Abe Blair @abeblair
Bonefish & Tarpon Trust @bonefishtarpontrust
Patagonia Fly Fish @patagonia_flyfish
Native Fish Society @nativefishsociety
Derek Deyoung @derek.deyoung
Stuart Foxall @stuartfoxall
Wild Steelhead Coalition @wildsteeheadcolalition
Trout Unlimited @troutunlimited
The Fly Fish Journal @theflyfishjournal
United Women on the Fly @unitedwomenonthefly
Wet Fly Swing @wetflyswing
Captains for Clean Waters @captainsforcleanwater
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