In case you haven’t noticed, They’re at it again. Currently, there is activity around Bristol Bay and Pebble Mine. Despite the denied permits by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, there is a continued push to move forward with developing a mine in Bristol Bay. Recently, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has accepted an appeal put forth by the developer. Appeal after appeal after appeal. You’d figure they would get the hint that Bristol Bay is NOT a place to put a mine. But if you’ve seen any kind of legal drama on television you understand what the appeals process does…it extends the life of the drama. They are currently extending the drama.

As fly anglers, we inherently should want to preserve the best things of this natural world, and one of those best things are the naturally developed streams and rivers that live in Bristol Bay, bringing life, joy, and revenue to a lot of people. Why not keep it going? The adage, “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” comes to mind. Bristol Bay is not broken. There is a naturally reoccurring, sustainable resource that will continue to produce generation after generation. Why ruin it? Trading a sustainable, and naturally reoccurring resource that will continue generations after this generation is of far greater value than the limited resource they are trying to extract from the earth. It is not logical. Logic is what the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers used to deem the mine unfit and logic will continue to win. It’s only logical.

There is no denying it, we are in favor of fish over the stuff they dig out of the ground. Regardless, we are also logical and logic says…Wrong place, Wrong Mine. Please do your part and continue to voice your support for Bristol Bay by expressing your You can call @GovDunleavy at (907) 465-3500 and tell him that not only do you support the permit denial for the Pebble mine, but you support permanent protections for the region for generations to continue to enjoy. You can also visit savebristolbay.org to stay up to date on the latest in this drama and find other ways to support Bristol Bay. #NotHereNotEver
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