Chalk this up under “Things to Consider.”

No, we’re not talking about a Gotcha, they work great on South Andros! We’re talking about that subtle brownish discoloration at the back of the fly. That’s a sign of rust, and that’s a bad thing.
While stainless hooks certainly hold up better in saltwater, they are not rust-proof. Rinsing off your flies with fresh water after a day on the flats is always a great idea, but over time salt water can cause the hook to rust under the tight thread wraps of the fly (where a quick rinse doesn’t quite reach). We’ve ‘heard’ of many double-digit bonefish lost due to a broken hook, only to find the slightest discoloration at the breakpoint.
So, before tying your next fly, take the time to look it over and avoid the heartbreak.
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