This Post is courtesy of Rapids Camp Lodge Head Guide Chad Bryson.

You could say that I live my entire life just so I can get in a floatplane to guide trout fishing in Bristol Bay, Alaska during August. It’s my favorite. It’s the irreproachable epitome of everything Alaska – bears, floatplanes, and sight casting to giant leopard rainbow trout in a creek that might not be wider than a driveway. The whole event is a thing of natural beauty that just can not be duplicated by any means. I dream about it during the January blizzards.
By the first week of August, the millions of sockeye will begin reaching their final spawning destinations in the creeks and streams of Bristol Bay. Trout, char, and grayling will be anxiously waiting for the precious eggs to start dropping from them. However, before the massive egg drop begins, trout will continue to be opportunistically gorging on their pre-existing diets of June and July aka- mice, leeches, and salmon smolt. Each fly out fishing destination can and will be, a mixture of fishing techniques with the aforementioned flies. This creates a unique opportunity for anglers who want to fish a little more variety in their presentation.
Weather and Temps during the first week of August are still agreeably mild. Cooler mornings warming in the afternoons makes a tundra hike quite pleasant. The full colors of summer are vibrant and thriving. Animal life is abundant everywhere. Coastal brown bears are walking the creek banks searching for sockeye. The low bush blueberry fields are ripe with foxes and ermine feasting on the berries. Moose can be spotted while flying over tundra swamps. It’s everything Alaska. The fishing is pretty good too……
Thanks for reading.
Chad Bryson
Head Guide Rapids Camp Lodge
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