‘Guide Speak’ are words that form over time in specific environments to describe things, actions, and/or events (and maybe more). If you’ve fished with us at Andros South or are thinking about it, here are some terms that you’ll probably hear during your time with us.
Monster – n. A big fish, a very big fish. “Boy that fish is a monster, hope we can get it to the boat.”

Stick’em – v. The action used to set the hook on a fly rod. “That fish is following your fly… okay he has it… stick’em!”

Blonde Fish – n. A very light colored fish that’s hard to see on a white sand bottom.

Toothy – adj. Used to describe a fish with big sharp teeth. “That cuda is toothy, better make sure you have some wire on that line.”

Ninja Walk – adj. To walk quietly on a flat. “There’s a school coming out of those mangroves, we need to walk like ninjas.”

Smokey Water – adj. Used to describe the color or transparency of water. “Bonefish were just here, that water is smokey.”

Lights On – v. Clear skies or a clearing in the clouds that allow sunlight through. “Lights are on, we should be able to see them coming out of the mangrove.”

Lights Off – v. Used to describe light to heavy cloud cover. “Hold your cast, lights are off, those bonefish will be hard to see.”

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