Swing is king. Long casts, and big mends, swinging is a technique that we not only appreciate here in Alaska West and Rapids Camp, but it is a method we enjoy. D loops, ripping the line off the water resulting in long, bombing casts then having faith that while the fly is going down and across, a magnificent take is going to happen. The closest thing you can compare a great Spey cast to is hitting a golf ball with a driver off the tee on a par 5…the perfect “ping.”

Just like a solid driver stroke, a great cast with a two-handed rod can be few are far between. Sometimes it’s over before you even start. Your running line gets tangled, your anchor is too far from you, or your running line slips in your fingers. We all have bad casts. The good news is, unlike a bad stroke on a par 5, a bad cast can still trigger a strike.

Some of us are really good at Spey casting. Some of us are not. Regardless, we all enjoy it. Here in Alaska, there are plenty of places to Spey cast and we love it. Whether you can cast a country mile or only 1 of 10 casts actually feels good, Spey casting is fun, and when you catch a fish it’s simply awesome.

If you’ve never used a Spey rod, switch rod, or a trout Spey, you need to try one. Trust us…it’s a hoot. Regardless of your casting skill level, both Alaska West and Rapids Camp Lodge have great opportunities to swing and to catch fish.

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