Pebble mine update from Trout Unlimited Alaska- Summer 2020
Deneki Outdoors has been a long-term partner and advocate in stopping the proposed Pebble mine from being developed in Bristol Bay and devastating southwest Alaska. We’ve worked with Trout Unlimited’s Save Bristol Bay campaign to bring you updates on what’s at stake with the proposed copper and gold mine, and the latest with the permitting process.
This summer, Pebble is closer than ever to becoming a reality in Bristol Bay. Trout Unlimited’s Alaska team has been watching the Army Corps of Engineers, Pebble, and our elected officials, and are relaying information to sportsmen and women in Alaska and across the country.
Here are the things anglers need to watch for when it comes to Pebble:
- The Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS): Expected to be released in late July, this document will be the basis for a decision on if Pebble will be granted their key federal permit. The draft EIS we saw last year was significantly lacking- it had major data gaps, failed to evaluate likely events like a tailings dam failure, and was identified by other federal and state agencies as being inadequate in evaluating risk.
Once a FEIS is released, it will be another “all hands on deck” call for the President to deny the permit. Please stay tuned, take action, and help encourage others in your networks to act, whether you’re in Alaska or beyond. - TU’s lawsuit against the EPA: Last year, the EPA announced their decision to begin withdrawing proposed protections for Bristol Bay. Trout Unlimited sued the EPA for this decision, saying the action violated the Clean Water Act and Administrative Procedures Act. After the case was dismissed, TU filed an appeal, sending the case before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. TU expects oral argument to take place in August with a decision issued this fall. Read more about the lawsuit on the Save Bristol Bay blog.
At Rapids Camp, we have two Save Bristol Bay Guide Ambassadors- Chad Bryson and Jeremy Inman- who are specifically plugged in to TU efforts and ready to share the latest with you. If you’re visiting this summer, you can get the latest update from them, and they will also make sure you get a “No Pebble” sticker.
If you are specifically looking to follow news from Trout Unlimited’s efforts to stop Pebble, or to give directly to the campaign, sign up for Pebble email updates, look for “Save Bristol Bay” or give directly at https://gifts.tu.org/bristolbay.
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