Alaska has some of the best rainbow trout fishing in the world. At Deneki Outdoors, we are spoiled in the trout fishing opportunities we have. Whether on the Kanektok River, the Naknek River, or the numerous streams we fly out to, we are surrounded by trout fishing opportunities. We target our trout a little different than those in the lower 48. Here are the 4 most common methods we use while fishing for trout in Alaska.
- Mousing. Our personal favorite. Casting flies that imitate a rodent and watching a trout devour it. You can cast towards the bank, around structure, or just swing it mid river. You never know when a wake will appear behind it. Want to join the Mickey Mouse Club? Than fish Alaska with us!
- Strip streamers. We will grab a 6 or 7 weight and work the end of gravel bars, drop offs or side channels. We also have this thing called the “Smolt Bust”. You will feel like you are saltwater fishing. Chasing crashing birds, laying out a cast into a pile of feeding fish before stripping as fast as you can. You better hang on, we have seen rods get ripped out of hands here.
- Swing it. Flesh flies and sink tips. Whether on the Naknek or the Kanektok we have some truly incredible opportunities to target trout with a two hander. We describe it as similar to steelheading but there are more fish and they are actively feeding. Every year some of our largest trout come on flesh flies.
- Bead fishing. For a large portion of the season, this is how we match the hatch. With the number of salmon we see spawning in our rivers, it is no secret why egg imitations are so effective. We usually fish them under an indicator but can tightline them as well.
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