2020 is an even-numbered year which means we can expect to see large numbers of Pink Salmon swimming in the rivers of Western Alaska this season. Pinks are the smallest of the Pacific Salmon species and also the most abundant. These factors cause them to unrightfully be considered a somewhat less desirable species to target. We however think Pinks are pretty sweet. Here are some of the reason we enjoy fishing for them.
- The Salmon Grand Slam. This is a feat we have spent a fair amount of time discussing on here and the Kanektok River is one of the only spots in the world you can achieve it. Included in a true K-Tok slam is a Pinky.
- The transformation their body goes through. Pinks are also called Humpies and when you see how the males change throughout their migration their is little doubt how they earned this name.
- Good excuse to break out the 6 weight. Casting that 8 weight all day can be exhausting. Give your arm a break and watch the bend a Pink can put in a 5 or 6 wt.
- They eat poppers. When they are fresh and silvery, they will attack surface flies which is always a good time, regardless of the species.
- They make an excellent shore lunch. We don’t send many guests home with a box filled with frozen Pinks but when you get into a school of fresh ones, we always keep a few for a delicious shore lunch.
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