We are lucky to have a guide staff that we can boast about at Rapids Camp Lodge. New to the team this year is long time Deneki Friend Chad Bryson. Chad is a bit of a renaissance man in the fly fishing world having experience in many different aspects of the industry we all love. Chad is currently in Georgia but took some time to talk with us about the upcoming 2020 season in Bristol Bay.
-What do you do when you are not guiding in Alaska?
Chad – “I work for Reel Angling Adventures guide service in the North GA part of Southern Appalachia.”
-What is you favorite way to fish in Bristol Bay?
Chad – “August fly out fishing is why I continually come back to Bristol Bay. I live for it and cannot wait to take advantage of all the fly out options Rapids Camp Lodge has available! #thefunnel

-What is your personal setup for swinging up big Naknek Rainbows?
Chad – “I use a 13’6” 570 grain Spey rod with T14 tips. Gotta get down deep to get those Naknek giants! Fly is a personal pattern that I switch up based on water color. If I have the choice to fly out or fish the Naknek I am going fly out every time!”
-One piece of gear that makes your life on the water in Bristol Bay easier?
Chad – A good backpack. Whether flying out or fishing from a boat, I don’t go anywhere in Alaska without a high quality backpack.
-Do you have a dream fishing destination?
Chad – “I have been fortunate enough to work basically every where in the world that I ever wanted to work. Bristol Bay is the best. I live that dream everyday of the season. All though, I wouldn’t mind going back to Tierra del Fuego.”
Want to fish with Chad this summer? Reach out here!
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