This may seem obvious but I still see it so often on the river banks that I figured I would bring it up. When you get a big tangle, you know the type that look like a birds nest made out of monofilament, don’t waste your time trying to untangle it. Simply clip it and retie! This is not as big of a deal when you are fishing a single fly, often those tangles can be quickly figured out. But when fishing multi-fly rigs (indicator or dry droppers), I see people sitting on the banks for over ten minutes trying to untangle their mess. When I guide beginners, they often say they are guilty of this exact scenario because they are “slow at tying knots” and that it would take longer to re-rig everything. My answer is simple, a great way to get faster with tying your knots and rigging is to practice! Which is exactly what you should do when you get that tangle. Cut it up and start fresh. Don’t waste your time sitting on the river bank untangling so that you don’t have to re-rig. Remember, you are only going to catch the fish if your flies are in the water.
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