Just a reminder that tomorrow, August 24th, is AFFTA’s a Day for Bristol Bay! We have a big fight ahead of us and need to be united as an industry.
Fly shops, manufacturers, guides, outfitters, lodges and more industry professionals nationwide have banded together for A Day for Bristol Bay to raise much-needed funding for the Bristol Bay Defense Fund – the front-line group that is going toe-to-toe in D.C. with the foreign mining interests behind the mine.
You can get involved by shopping at a participating fly shop or by supporting the brands and outfitters who are rallying for Bristol Bay. You can see the list of participating brands and shops here.
All donations will be made to the AFFTA Fisheries Fund and 100% of the proceeds will be sent on behalf of the fly fishing industry to the Bristol Bay Defense Fund. Whether you’re a fly angler or just love the outdoors, we need you to shop, fish and show up for Bristol Bay tomorrow! Be sure to check out the video AFFTA put together below!
Note: If you’re viewing this in a newsletter or a reader, click here to see the video on our website.
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