Whenever you start talking about Grand Slams you know the topic is going to be incredibly difficult, but at the same time, so rewarding that it is worth traveling the globe for. Saltwater anglers have the elusive Flats grand slam of a bonefish, tarpon, and permit. In New Orleans, there is the Cajun grand slam, a redfish, black drum, and sheepshead, all on flies and all in the same day. In Alaska, we have our very own grand slam and lucky for us, one of the best places to achieve this feat is right out the backdoor of Alaska West on the Kanektok River. The Salmon grand slam consists of all 5 species of Pacific Salmon on the same day. Off the top of my head, it takes me a second to even name all 5 species of salmon that we have available. You have the King, Chum, Sockeye, Pink and Silver. There are few places in the world where you can have an opportunity to catch all of the previously mentioned, all on flies and in the same day. But in late July, guests of Alaska West have a couple week period where Kings are still around and early Silvers have showed up, giving you the chance at making this dream come true. Who wants to try and check the Salmon Grand Slam off their life’s bucket list? We still have prime dates available in 2019. Reach out here!
More on Grand Slams:
Patrick Virnich says
And let’s not forget about the Kanektok Slam. All 5 salmon plus a Grayling, Rainbow, and Dolly all in the same day!
Nycflyangler says
Technically there are six species of pacific salmon. Oneorhyncus masou, cherry salmon, with six subspecies, are only indigenous to the western Pacific. We forget about them because we’re not exposed to them, but they’re still pacific salmon.
Likewise, there are more Salmo species than brown trout and Atlantic salmon, about 47 species, we’re just not exposed to them.
Idaho goathead says
My suspicion is the discussion was about Kanectok salmon, not every other species swimming on earth.
Are you also this much fun to fish with?