When trout fishing, if you see a fish move (whether it moves erratically or just subtly in the water column) set the hook! I’ve had countless times when guiding where I see a fish move (yet the strike indicator remains undisturbed) and the client doesn’t set. More often then not, when you see that movement, it is actually the fish eating your fly. Go ahead and set the hook! There is no reason not too. I’m sure you’ve heard it before but “hook sets are free,” so use them. There is no punishment if you set the hook and nothing is there, simply cast again. Even if the fish is no where near where you think your flies are, set the hook! There can be weird currents, eddies, or sink rates that have your flies not in the area you were expecting. Once I started setting the hook whenever I saw a movement in the vicinity, I started hooking into more fish. The extra success has me setting more than ever and that continues to lead to more fish! When in doubt, set that hook!
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