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“In the stillwater world, damselflies get a lot of press, and for good reason. They hatch in prolific numbers during the spring and summer and can lead to some pretty impressive takes from trout and bass alike. However, today, we’ll be focusing on the mighty dragonfly. They don’t appear in the same quantity as damselflies, but they are an equally important food source. From British Columbia to Southern Chile, Dragonflies entice trout looking for a sizable chunk of protein. Though dragonfly nymphs are traditionally thought of as stillwater patterns, this fly has seen its fair share of success in faster-moving water as well. In areas where a quick current borders a slow pool this can be a deadly choice for cruising browns.” – Jack Reis

- Hook: TMC 200R – sz. 4-10
- Underbody: Wire, 50lb Mono
- Thread: UTC 70 – Olive Green
- Tail: Pheasant Tail
- Body: Mercer’s Buggy Nymph – Golden Stone, Scud Back – Tan, Scud Back – Light Olive
- Ribbing: Mono – 8lb
- Legs: Mini Flex-Floss – Brown
- Eyes: Mono Eyes
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