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Let’s finally stop Pebble Mine once and for all! You will see a lot of post generating support for Bristol Bay today. Trout Unlimited wanted to show the unity in our fishing community by making today a day of action against the proposed Pebble Mine. A couple weeks ago, the Army Corps of Engineers released the “Draft Environmental Impact Statement” for the proposed Pebble Mine. This document was over 1,600 pages and was their attempt at outlining the potential risks that Pebble could bring to Bristol Bay. Following the release of the DEIS, a 90 day national comment period opened where people can tell the Army Corps that they are STILL opposed to the mine.

Please take a moment out of your day and submit a comment here. We know that you have already spoken out against Pebble Mine but this comment period is the most important one yet. Please show your support for Bristol Bay and help protect it for future generations. Sharing the link with any of your like minded colleagues is also greatly appreciated! Just as when the mine was first proposed, nothing has changed, it is still the wrong mine in the wrong place.
More on Bristol Bay:
The DEIS shows the possibility of a mine that will coexist with the salmon. Alaska can use the revenue and the area can benefit from the jobs.
Unfortunately, based on our initial review the Army Corps’ Draft EIS fails to address many of the concerns and questions that businesses, fishermen, Bristol Bay Tribes, and others have communicated repeatedly to the Army Corps.