Unfortunately not all fishing destinations have consistently warm weather like Andros South. I will be the first to admit, I do not like fishing with gloves. The hooks constantly get caught in them and I can lose the feel of the line. But fishing in the cold is always better than not fishing at all. And besides, if you have one day off for the week are you going to let the forecast stop you from fishing? One thing that saves my hands and fingers on these frigid single digit days is using two different styles of gloves. On my rod hand, I can get away with fishing a thin glove that covers my finger tips. I still am able to grip the rod while the gloves are tight enough to have no negatives associated with the covered finger tips (and enjoy the extra bit of warmth). Then on my line hand, I want that extra bit of feel. Here I use fingerless gloves so that I can still feel the line and have some extra dexterity if needed. My left hand may end up getting a littler colder than my right but on those days when the temperatures are below freezing, this gives me a good balance of staying as warm as possible without compromising my fishing ability. Just don’t let the fashion police know..
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