If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say something along the lines of “Alaska is my dream trip” or “someday I am going to make it to Alaska” I would have at least 12 dollars worth of nickels. I get it, it can be easy to get stuck in a routine and be satisfied with just thoughts of the future. Well the future is now as somehow it is already the year two thousand and nineteen! Why put off your dream trip any longer? Allow me to give you a quick rundown of our program.
July is the month where the waters of Bristol Bay really come to life. When anglers think of Alaska, a few different flagship species immediately come to mind. Whether it is a Rainbow Trout that eats rodents, a large Grizzly Bear wading the river, massive Sockeye Salmon spawning runs, or soaring Bald Eagles, July in Alaska has it all! Located in the heart of the famed Bristol Bay watershed is our fly out lodge of Rapids Camp. Rapids Camp Lodge (RCL) has been accurately described by our guests as “Easy to get to, hard to leave.” All you have to do is arrive into Anchorage, we take care of the rest!

Upon your arrival into Anchorage International Airport, a Deneki staff member will drive you to our private plane that will fly you directly to the town of King Salmon. Here you will be welcomed to our 60 acre lodge, located right on the most productive stretch of the Naknek River. The wonders of Alaska will be at your front door, awaiting your discovery.

The hardest part of this trip will be deciding where you want to fish. We have fly out options to 50 different remote streams plus the month of July will have all of the rivers surrounding our lodge filling up with incoming salmon runs. Sockeyes swim in by the millions to both iconic and remote Alaska locations. The density of the runs can be so thick that it causes the river bottoms to appear red. We also have some fantastic King Salmon fishing options still going on thanks to our boats on a remote river where we are one of only two lodges permitted to fish. In my option, the best part about July in Bristol Bay is the mouse fishing for Rainbow Trout. Later in the season the trout don’t need to move far to get food as salmon eggs and decaying flesh will regularly drift down the river. In July, the Trout are far more opportunistic and will voraciously attack mouse flies. With the majority of the watershed focusing on the salmon, we love to take at least a few days in your week to target some Rainbows in the small, clear streams that are often overlooked in Bristol Bay. After your day of fishing, our lodge staff and world class chefs will make sure your off the water experience is as delightful and comfortable as possible.

If you are ready to finally make that dream Alaska trip happen you are in luck as we some openings at Rapids Camp Lodge from June 21st to the end of July. Have a busy schedule? We understand that and have RCL designed with your convenience in mind. A week long trip isn’t always possible and that is why we also offer 3 and 4 day packages. Experience real Alaska wilderness and make it back to the office by the end of the week. Need a break from fishing? We can arrange Bear viewing or sight seeing tours. Regardless of your desires, RCL offers fully customizable trips. If you want to experience iconic Alaska or have some questions on how to plan your dream trip, drop us a note here.

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