Whether you are on a flats boat or a drift boat, having a good boat partner can make your day more successful and equally as important, more enjoyable! Just because your buddy is up on the bow doesn’t mean that you should just sit back and watch. Here are 5 jobs for you!
- Help free the line if it is caught on anything. Fly line seems to have this unique ability to tangle upon anything it can find. If your buddy is casting or in ready position on the bow and doesn’t notice the line is wrapped around a boat cleat, stuck under his foot, or tangled, be there to help!
- Be equally as engaged, even if it isn’t your shot. Help look for fish. You eye’s may not be as good as the guides but an extra set always helps. Besides, it always feels pretty great to first sight the fish that your amigo ends up catching!
- Get equally as excited. Your buddy just caught a big fish, be excited for him! Enthusiasm can be contagious. You want them to be excited when you catch a big one right? Do the same for them!
- Offer to take a photo. Going along with point #3, a good boat partner should also double as a photographer to help document any special catches. Note: don’t just pull out the camera for the grip n grin, some of the time a photo of your buddy standing on the bow, him casting, or a cool scenery shot can be the perfect souvenir for his trip!
- Always have a cold one ready. Ideally it is of the celebratory sort but be prepared for anything. Cracking a smile and a beer for him after he just trout set the biggest bonefish of the day can be the best cure.
Fishing at times can be a selfish spot when it doesn’t need to be! Happiness is best when shared. Good fishing partners are hard to come by so make sure you help take care of the ones you have!
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