Those of you lucky ones who have been to Andros South know how spectacular the Barracuda fishing can be. Bonefish are always the target species but some of the time it can be fun to mix it up and chase a toothy critter. One of of favorite ways to catch Barracuda is on the surface. Few things are as visual and exciting as a ‘Cuda top water eat. Want to get in on the fun? Tie up a few of the following from our good friend, Jack Reis.
“Barracuda have a well earned reputation for speed and destruction. Under many conditions, they eat willingly and with reckless abandon. However, it is not uncommon to come across a ‘cuda that behaves a little lethargically. It’s times like these that call for something a bit…louder. So, the next time you come across a fish that is tougher to move, try the sweet, sweet pop of the Barracuda Boy Band.”
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Tying The Barracuda Boy Band
- Hook: Owner Aki 5170 – sz. 3/0-7/0
- Thread: UTC 140 – Fl. Chartreuse
- Tail: Bucktail – Chartreuse/White, Hareline Lateral Scale – Opal Mirage
- Collar: Hareline Polar Chenille – Chartreuse, Red UV
- Head: Rainy’s Saltwater Poppers, Wapsi Holographic Tape – Chartreuse, Hareline Adhesive Eyes
More Barracuda Loving:
Can you tell me where to purchase the popper heads like the one shown in the video? The only ones I can find are much more tapered with rounded rear.
Thank you
Hey Mike,
Looks like the exact one we use were from Rainy’s Flies. They were the Black Foam Saltwater Poppers in Medium. The SKU was SW-03143
I hope that helps!