We recently received a great request from one of our readers (thanks, Ray!) for a fresh step by step post on how to tie some of our favorite ‘smaller’ fly patterns for summer and/or winter steelhead using modern materials and techniques.
Naturally, we reached out to our good friend and arguably one of the most reputable fly tyers for steelhead and salmon in the world, Stuart Foxall, for his thoughts, and wouldn’t you know, he put together a great step by step on an effective classic using modern materials.
Thanks Stu!
Tying The Lady Caroline With Modern Materials
As salmon and steelhead anglers we have a history of fly patterns that have caught literally thousands of fish. That being said, with better modern materials available to us, it’s pretty easy to ‘overthink’ new patterns.. All we need do is look to the many timeless patterns that have already proved their effectiveness and expand upon them slightly using the many modern materials available today.
Here’s a modern spin on one of my favorites; the Lady Caroline.

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