It’s hump day, and every now and then we like to celebrate by paying homage to one of the most under-appreciated and oft-forgotten species that frequent our waters at Alaska West; the almighty humpy, aka the pink salmon.
Why? Because pinks are fun! They’re aggressive, they look really cool, they smash surface flies, they’re a requirement for the prestigious Alaska Grand Slam, and they’re extremely important to the health of our home river and the resident fish that call it home as well. All good things, yet they still don’t typically get the press they might deserve.
In fact, in our neck of the woods, they also frequent the exact same waters as big silvers, scrappy chums, trophy rainbows, and more (ahem, just take another look at the angler hooked up to a big bright silver in the photo above).
So, the next time you catch a pink, show it some love.. It deserves it!
Happy hump day!
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