This just in.. Fish need water. That’s a really good thing, because we have a lot of it this year at Alaska West!
For several years now, we’ve been experiencing lower than average water conditions throughout our king season at Alaska West. Does that mean bad fishing? Trust us, it definitely doesn’t! However, when it comes to king salmon, low water can make fishing slightly more challenging as some anglers find kings to be a little more timid the lower (and clearer) the water is.
Luckily, our team is on the ground now getting our camp prepped for the season and their most recent report is that there’s more water in the river than there has been at the start of the season for the past four years! Needless to say, we’re really excited about it, and we think you should be too.
Bring on the kings!
Kyle: I’ll stop emailing so you can have the place ready when I arrive.