Our friends at Hatch Outdoors recently launched their how-to video series featuring tips and tricks from some of the most recognized guides and anglers in the industry. A couple weeks ago we shared their inaugural video on how to rig for tarpon. Last week, they also released great video on how to rig for permit too.
This week, they’re back with our pal, Bruce Chard, with something we sure care a bit about; how to rig for bonefish and today we felt it our duty to share the goods with you. Give it watch below!
Note: If you’re viewing this in a newsletter or a reader, click here to see the video on our website.
This is great stuff! I enjoyed the South Andros/Rio tippet but this one showed some refinement. I look forward to checking out the reviews of Hatch tippet material and may try it myself.
I have a 9 wt Tropical Punch line and I don’t remember seeing a specification for the diameter of the end of that line. Or for any other line for that matter. I don’t have a calliper and don’t plan to buy one. The video seems to show the 40 pound leader material to be quite a bit smaller than the end of the fly line. So what is the difference between the right leader diameter attached to the fly line for 7, 8 and 9 weight lines? If this is important, why don’t tapered leader manufacturers provide different leaders for different size fly lines? Maybe they do. Perhaps the butt end of a 20 pound leader is thicker than that of a 10 pound leader. But I have attached leaders from 10 to 20 pounds to my 9 wt. fly line and they all seem to work. I have used hand tied bonefish leaders and discarded them. I’m dubious what Bruce is proposing is worth the effort for most of us. Especially since he skips explaining the hard steps of tying blood knots.
Just as I sent my last comment, I realized that fly line manufacturers do provide the diameters of the ends of their lines. I think my other comments remain valid. It would not bother me if you completely ignore my previous post.