The good folks at Aqua Flies have teemed up once again with our good friend and Alaska West alum, Jerry French, to bring the latest and greatest in steelhead/salmon flies; The Ultra Squid.
Responsible for the design of innovative patterns like the the Intruder and the Dirty hoh, Jerry is widely accepted as one of the most innovative fly tyers of modern steelhead flies on the planet, and we’d go so far as to say the Ultra Squid might be one of his most innovative yet.
Designed with two shoulders utilizing composite loops (first popularized in the Dirty Hoh) and a stinger hook attached to the shank with flexible Spiderwire braid to reduce leverage on the hook during the fight, while also housed in flexible plastic tubing to keep the hook riding in an upright position without fouling around the fly during the cast, the Ultra Squid checks all the boxes.
It’s already proved itself on the Dean River, and we have a feeling its going to do the same wherever else anadramous critters are found. Check out the details below from Aqua Flies owner, Doug Brutocao.
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That’s a fishy looking fly! How is the tube added to the stinger?