We’ve had Tom Larimer stop by our blog from time to time to give us things like a 6-minute master class on spey casting anchor placement, and a 1-minute diatribe (well, for Tom it was a diatribe) on fishing your fly actively. Today we hear Tom’s thoughts on picking which steelhead fly to fish – especially which color to fish when.
Sounds like flies matter.
Note: If you’re viewing this in a newsletter or a reader, click here to see Tom talk about steelhead flies on our website.
Here are the highlights:
- Yes, fly color and design matter when you’re fishing for steelhead.
- Bigger flies work better in colder water.
- On a bright sunny day with color in the water, red is a great color. If you’ve got sunny skies and really clear water, muted colors are better.
- When the sky is darker or the water dirties up, colors like black/blue and purple are the ticket.
- Orange is underutilized today. Dirty water combined with bright skies makes orange a great choice.
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