A while back, fly tying great, Stuart Foxall, shared a great step by step with us on one of our all-time favorite patterns for salmon and steelhead, the Hoh Bo Spey. He didn’t stop there however, he also gave us a great post on how to tie the Hoh Bo Spey on a tube as well.
Today, Stu is back with a great tip when fishing sparsely dressed tube flies like the Hoh Bo Spey; stacking multiple tubes flies together to create a larger profile fly.
Stacking Tubes for a Larger Profile
Some time ago I showed you how to tie Charles St. Pierre’s Hoh Bo Spey on a tube. Requiring very few materials to tie an endless amount of color options, the Hoh Bo Spey has earned it a permanent place in many hard core steelheader’s fly boxes. But there is another really good reason to have a few in your box, and that reason is versatility.
With the undeniable movement of marabou, you can rig one fly up and swing it with the utmost confidence. But, how about if we move into a faster run and want more presence to our fly? Or, perhaps we’ve moved around a bend in the river and the sun is now shining directly downstream (into the fish’s eyes) suggesting the need for a bigger profile fly? Or, maybe it’s been raining all day and the river has finally risen, reducing water clarity in the process, once again warranting a bigger fly?
Simple. Just add another Hobo Spey to our rig for a much larger profile.
Not sure what color will work best for the situation at hand? No problem, just mix it up and edge your bets! They really are the jack-of-all-trades in a swing fisherman’s armory!
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