We’ve written a lot of articles, about a lot of different topics related to fly fishing, since we first launched the Deneki Outdoors blog back in 2008. However, one of our most popular posts to date was an article we published back in 2014 comparing the differences between monofilament (nylon) and fluorocarbon leaders and tippet. Go figure!
We’re not overly surprised by this however.. Aside from your fly, under most circumstances, the tippet is the most fragile part of any setup, making choosing the right material extremely important!
Regardless, as most anglers are well aware, there are an overwhelming amount of leader and/or tippet material options available, all of which have advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation at hand.
Therefore, rather than tell you which leader/tippet material we use, we want to hear from you! When it comes to leader and/or tippet material, what do you prefer?
- Monofilament (nylon)?
- Fluorocarbon?
- A particular brand?
- Why?
We want to know! Help out your fellow readers by leaving us a comment below explaining your favorite leader/tippet material you use when chasing your favorite fish species!
Umm, another what came first, the chicken or the egg! If your a purist of some sort, and fish only dry flies I guess Nylon. If You nymph fish it has to be flouro, I started fly fishing about 57 years ago as a boy, and mono spun off your spinning reel was the thing. Later as you found out about hatches it was only nylon that was available. In the 70’s it was Nylorfi nylon, and late 80’s and 90’s Umpqua, and SA. Fishing both under and surface for trout you needed both in your arsenal. Recently I was a Rio Powerflex or FlouroFlex depending on the need.
Now, I use Arc almost exclusively. I have been using their flouro coated nylon for both nymph and dry fly fishing. The coating appears to fish like flouro for nymphs, but even though the coating adds a bit of stiffness, it can be used for dry fly fishing without too much apparent hardship for me.
I spent a couple of days with your old friend Whit fishing Arc back and fourth all day between dry’s and nymphs with steady success. So for now it is Arc for everything! Eventually the wheel will be reinvented again!!
For rivers and the beach I use Maxima mono but I would really like to get a hold of some Stroft GTM.
For Atlantic salmon I use Maxima green a lot, if water is very low and clear I use seaguar Fluor.
For trout fishing it’s Fluor for nymphs and co-polymer for dries.
Theses options work for me
Great stuff, guys. Thanks for sharing!
Trouthunter Fluoro for everything.
Saltwater/ Orvis Fluorocarbon tippet on Maxima hand tied leaders.
Freshwater/ Maxima hand tied leaders. Maxima Tough and dependable,clear or green.
Maxima Ultragreen for the trout. Seaguar Flouro for the salt.
Hmmm. Good question. South Andros bonefish, mono, either Rio premade or Ande Big Game if building my own. Tarpon, Ande Big Game mono butt and class (most definitely not IGFA approved) with a fluorocarbon shock tippet, Rio or Seaguar. Trout, whatever decade old tipper is in my pack. Yes, I will regret that someday.
12lb OPST fluoro for steelhead in BC, great for all water conditions. 16lb OPST fluoro when fishing big fish systems 😉
Flourocarbon works best for me.
RIO: PowerFlex + or Suppleflex and Fluroflex or Fluroflex +
Why? I’ve used RIO products and not experienced any issues. I don’t pay much attention to the ongoing product advertising between the different brands. As long as RIO tippet has good knot strength, I’m happy.
For trout out here in Wyoming, mono is usually fine for dries and nymphing. I like fluoro for streamers, or Maxima for west-coast anadromous fish. It all works!
Trout hunter flouro for nymphing and mono for dry
Floating it’s mono, most of the tippet brands seem OK, lately it’s been orvis. Fluoro for any sub surface, always Seagar and when we get to bigger fish, the Steelhead/Salmon rolls. For any subsurface fishing, I haven’t seen the need to use any Fly Fishing specific tippet material.
I use mono for dries and flouro for nymphs. Used to buy whatever brand I came accross, but recently been buying from Risen Fly , since they are in my home state of Pa.
never used fluoro much due to price, bought some for carp fishing but could not find a difference in catch rate. Also, fluoro doesn’t biodegrade, so I worry about breaking off tippet that will then be cluttering up the river for decades. Might use it if I ever get to fish saltwater again, though.
Maxima green 8lb (which is more like 10lb) for most warmwater fishing, Stroft for everything else.
Wow! Great stuff everyone!! Thanks for input!
Gamma Edge and Seagar for fluorocarbon and
Maxima Ultragreen for mono applications.