You’re patiently scanning the flats when you spot a fish off in the distance. You start closing in on your target when something; a flash, a shadow, a sound, catches your attention. You look away for no more than a second when you realize, “what, he disappeared!?”
You scan around frantically for the fish you lost, knowing all too well it could still be right there in front of you.. Because, lets face it, bonefish can be tough to see at times.
Sound familiar? We thought so. Today we want to present you with a little tip to help keep this from happening.
Keep your rod on point!
Just like a dog on a bird, when you have that bonefish in your sights, point your rod directly at him and keep it on him. Follow his movement across the flat with your rod tip, pointing directly at him if tailing and/or moving slowly, or slightly ahead if he’s moving quickly. This will help you keep track of the fish without getting tunnel vision.
When out on the flats, we have to be able to take advantage of all the opportunities we are given. So when you have your fish pointed out, keep scanning around for other bonefish, then go back on your point. That way, if another fish does show up, you have a chance to capitalize on more than one fish, double up with a buddy, or pick out the best (biggest) fish in the area. That way, even if you don’t happen to see any other fish, you still have your original fish right in your sights.
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