Towards the end of July through the beginning of August, our river begins to truly fill with fish. Between chum, pink, and the occasional late-run king salmon, it hits a point where you couldn’t imagine any more fish even entering the river.. But eventually the silvers start nosing in.
And, while all the other other species fight extremely hard and readily take a stripped fly, the year’s first silvers are an exciting thing to catch, and truly hard to beat on a fly rod.
So, without further ado, today we pass on a tip to help give you an extra edge when trying to pick off that first silver salmon of the season. Wait for it..
Strip Fast!
Silvers are extremely aggressive, and when they want a fly, more often than not they will out-swim anything next to them to get it! So, an easy approach when fishing through a run with the potential of a few holding silvers.. Strip Fast! Then, once feel that you have covered the water well, begin to slow down your strip, varying your retrieve, to target the rest of the species.
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