Our season may have just come to a close at Andros South, but with the end of every bonefishing season marks the beginning of land crab season!
Many of our guests ask us how the people of South Andros spend their time during the off-season. Its a great question. Some commercial fish, some travel, some take a well-deserved break, but if you live on South Andros from late May through September, and want to make a few extra bucks, odds are you’re going land crabbin’!
That’s right, each spring, the season’s first heavy rains forces large, native, land-dwelling crabs (ahem, hence the name) out of their comfy limestone holes in the Androsian backcountry where they make their annual migration to the ocean to spawn.
On South Andros, the vast majority of crabs must literally cross the Queen’s Highway (the island’s main thoroughfare) to reach their spawning grounds, where they are met by many hundreds of locals, or maybe even a few curious anglers, looking to catch their fill.. By hand!
Thousands upon thousands of crabs litter the street during land crab season, and is surely a sight you have to see to believe. So, if you find yourself on South Andros in late May to early June, keep your eyes peeled, crank up the fun factor, and try to catch a few!

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