Quantity versus quality is an age old debate amongst anglers, but one thing we dig about our fishery on South Andros is that we’re able to target both!
Whether you prefer to chase singles and doubles (often larger fish), or target larger schools for numbers (often smaller fish), we’re able to fish different areas of the island depending on the angler’s preference and experience level – weather permitting of course.
Like many critters, as bonefish get larger, they often leave the ‘safety in numbers’ benefit of the school to reap the bounty of independence. Thus, its generally understood that to find big bonefish, chasing smaller cohorts of fish (singles, doubles, triples, etc.) is most usually the most effective.. But not always!
Take the photo of the double above. Its rare to double up on bonefish when there’s only two or three fish around. Setting the hook on one fish generally spooks the other(s). However in the comfort of a school, its not uncommon to hook more than one in subsequent casts.
Therefore, its safe to assume that the fish pictured above were probably part of a school.. And as you can see, one of them is a big fish!
Our point? Never assume that every fish in the school is the same size. If the visibility allows, always try to identify the largest fish in the group, because you just might be surprised at who is mixed in with the pack.
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