Earlier this month we told you how excited we were to work with the good folks at BAARK, who so generously helped organize the first spay/neuter clinic on South Andros Island on recent record.
We’re happy to report that the clinic went well, and that a handful of local dogs were spayed/neutered, including a few of our favorite pooches that many of you undoubtedly have been acquainted with around the Tiki Hut at Andros South.
More importantly, we’re confident that the clinic has helped to shed light on the issue of the stray dog population on South Andros, and are hopeful that it will lead to more widespread spay/neuter efforts in the near future.
According to BAARK, one unaltered female dog and her subsequent offspring can produce up to 67,000 puppies in only six years! Therefore, each and every dog makes a huge difference in promoting a healthy dog population.
We wanted to take today to give a big thanks to Dr. Dorsett for dedicating his time and efforts to such a noble cause, as well as all of you who donated to BAARK’s efforts. We sincerely appreciate it.
A great cause and a serious need. Thanks for making it happen.
Dixie!!! My favorite potcake!