Today’s tid bit of bonefishing wisdom is inspired by a recent day with Andros South guide, Philip Knowles.
While polling along the ocean-side flats of the infamous west-side of South Andros, your humble editor was strainging his eyes in hopes of spotting the first bonefish of the day. “There, see the fish at 11 o’clock, 30 feet?” Philip announced from atop the platform. “Yeah, it’s not moving Philip, pretty sure that’s a ‘cuda,” replied your editor. “Yeah mon, but see his color? See how light he is? That’s the color you’re looking for..”
Touché Philip, touché..
Bonefish can be tough to spot. Due to their reflective nature, they can appear vastly different depending on the surrounding bottom. So, when fishing a flat for the first time, listen to Philip, and let other ‘reflective’ species like barracuda offer a cule into what exactly you’re looking for.
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