Warning: This is not a hyper-technical review of a groundbreaking piece of fly fishing gear designed to make you cast farther, look cooler, or catch more fish.
Instead, this is a review of a product that has left many of us scratching our heads wondering, “why didn’t we think of that?”
Enter, the Simms Wading Koozy.
That’s right, an insulated beer/soda koozy, with a beefy velcro belt loop, designed to be worn on your wading belt.. Brilliant.
However, the first time we saw it, we immediately thought, “if it can keep your sudsy sidekick at the ready on the river, why not at your side on the flats too?” Sounds pretty darn good, right?
Well, it is good, and it can be yours for $12.95 from your local fly shop – The same price for a 6-pack of Kalik here in the Bahamas. Talk about a sound investment.

Hey Kyle…you wrote “Warning: This is not a hyper-technical review of a groundbreaking piece of fly fishing gear designed to make you cast farther, look cooler, or catch more fish.”
I beg to differ…you definitely look cooler with that Koozy hanging of your belt ;p
Awe man, Ive been doing that for years! Should have brought it to market. Hey like they say, you snooze you lose!