Potcake (pɒt-keɪk): noun. Mixed breed of dogs indigenous to the Bahamas, officially recognized as the Royal Bahamian Potcake.
No fishing lodge is complete without a camp dog, and those who have joined us at Andros South have surely been aquainted with a few of the local potcakes who frequent our grounds on a regular basis. In fact, we’d be willing to bet that names like Cookie, Brownie, and Dixie resonate with more than a few of you reading this post.
However, those of you who have spent any time on South Andros are also well aware of the rampant number of stray dogs wandering all over the island – a problem we’ve been hoping to do something about for years.
Well, we’re happy to report that we’ll be hosting a spay/neuter clinic on South Andros Island from December 9th – 11th organized by BAARK – A volunteer run organization dedicated to reducing the number of homeless dogs and cats throughout the islands of the Bahamas.
The good folks at BAARK have agreed to spay/neuter as many pooches as possible during their stay with us in hopes of promoting a healthier potcake popoluation on South Andros. However, with no paid employees or government funding, BAARK is entirely funded by donation.. And they could use your help!
A little bit goes a long way and donating is easy – Simply direct your browser to BAARK’s donation page by clicking right here, choose the ‘Spay and Neuter Progam’ under the drop down menu and click ‘Donate.’ Any major credit card can be used, and payment is received securely through Paypal.
We ask you to please consider contributing to BAARK’s efforts, not only for our four legged friends here on South Andros, but throughout the Bahamas as well.
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