First time visitors to the Carribean are likely too see a few critters they’ve never seen before. If you’re lucky, one of those critters might be the Bat Moth, a nocturnal moth, that’s right, about the same size and shape of a bat.
Being primarily nocturnal, our guests tend to spot them only once in a great while. However, due to the recent hurricane and subsequent heavy rains thereafter, we’re seeing far more bat moths throughout the day than we’ve ever seen..
Known by other cultures by names such as the ‘Black Witch‘ or even the ‘Moth of Death,’ Bat Moths have accumulated a fair amount of lore amongst different cultures around the world, often representing dark circumstances. Fortunately in the Bahamas however, they’re also referred to as ‘Money Bats,’ believed to forecast prosperity in the coming future.
Given that today is election day.. We’ve decided to believe in the latter.
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