It’s hump day today! And, it’s a humpy year here at our lodges. So, naturally we felt it necessary to present you with a cool photo of a humped out pink salmon caught by Alaska West guest, Worth McAlister.
Pinks return to our rivers in force every even-numbered year. We get a few here and there on odd years too, but unlike the other four species of pacific salmon, pinks return in staggering numbers only every other year (2014, 2016, 2018, and so on).
While they might not be the primary target of your fishing trip, we look forward to their return every other year.. Why? Not only do they keep the rod bent throughout the day (ahem, take a closer look at the photo above), or because they look really cool in their spawning garb (prehistoric really), but they also contribute a substantial amount of biomass to our river to feed our trout and dolly populations.. And that’s a really, really good thing.
Happy hump day!
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