We’re always excited when a guest of ours puts together a post for our humble little fishing blog. After all, as far as we’re concerned there’s no better account than that from those that fish with us!
Ed Novinsky recently fished with us at Alaska West, and although its difficult to call him a guest (family would be more appropriate), he wrote up a great piece on one of the finer points of our fishing program, and today we share that with you.
Thanks Ed!
Bon Appétit!
After a long day of fishing on the Kanektok, there’s nothing finer than a hot shower and a good meal. Now that Chef Peter Haller has taken the helm in the Alaska West kitchen, meals has become a true 3-Star dining experience. With lamb chops, prime rib and Alaskan king crab as just a few of the entrees you’ll savor, its easy to forget that you’re in a tent in the middle of the Alaskan bush. You could easily add “for the serious epicurean” to the Alaska West motto!
However, if you’re making the trip, there’s another dining experience to enjoy at Alaska West. Why not try a shore lunch? There’s nothing better than food cooked over an open fire.. Unless of course its a meal of a beyond fresh fish caught only a moment before and grilled over an open fire. Each of your guides have developed his or her own unique recipe for grilling that salmon or dolly and it will be a memorable highlight of your trip. Sitting on a gravel bar, cup of coffee in hand, an open fire, sharing stories, enjoying your catch.. What could be better? Well, how about being able to jump right back in that boat and catch more of the Kanektok’s bounty!
Good fishing and Bon Appétit!
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