Our summer seasons in Alaska and British Columbia are just around the corner. That means it won’t be long before we’re swinging flies for ocean bright anadramous critters.
When it comes to steelhed and salmon (and heck, trout for that matter) we really love spey fishing. We know a lot of you do too, so today we present you with a roundup of posts on the finer points of fishing (not just casting) with a two-hander.
Spey Fishing Roundup
Spey Fishing Tips:
- It’s How Your Fly Swims that Matters.
- Spey Fishing – The ‘Engaged’ Fly.
- 5 Ways to Control the Speed of Your Swing.
- Cast, Step, Swing (In That Order).
- Selecting Sink Tips.
Line Management Tips:
- Managing Running Line – 3 Simple Tips.
- The 50% Rule – Video.
- Managing Running Line – Finger Loops Method.
- Running Line Management Tip for Less Tangles.
- Loops vs. Coils.
Species Specific Tips:
- Swinging Flies for Kings – 10 Tips.
- Steelhead in Low Water – 5 Tips.
- Steelhead in High Water – 5 Tips.
- Swinging for Trout – Active Swinging.
- Swinging for Chums.
- Swinging Flies for Dolly Varden.
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