When it comes to gear, we think organization is pretty important. Heck we’d we go so far as to say the better organized your gear is, the more fish you’re going to catch. After all, the percentage of fish caught while while fumbling around looking for the right fly, tippet, sink tip, or so on, hovers somewhere around zero percent.
As far as flies are concerned, there are a whole bunch of really cool fly boxes out there for just about every application you can think of to help better organize your flies. We’ve tried just about all of them, but when it comes to housing a whole bunch of different flies (particularly large flies) we’ve long been fans of plain ol’ plastic Plano Boxes. More specifically the Plano 3600.
Why? They fit snuggly into an average sized boat box, can be customized to whatever layout you choose, and hold a ton of flies. However, very rarely do we ever fill up every slot to the top with flies, so we’ve often wondered.. “Wouldn’t it be great if they made the same box, only thinner?”
Well.. It turns out they do! Enter, the Plano 3601.
Plano 3601
The 3601 is roughly the floor plan as the standard 3600 model, but almost half the depth! We think it’s a great way to organize a whole bunch of flies without taking up all the space in your boat bag. But here’s the best part, you can pick them up here for a whopping $4.79 each.

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