We have a lot of barracuda prowling our flats at Andros South. They’re extremely fun to catch – they’re big, fast, and sometimes jump straight out of the water like tarpon. Yes, really.
However, some anglers are reluctant to fish for them in fear of taking their eye away from bonefish. But, the beauty of ‘cuda fishing is you don’t have to dedicate any time out of your day to them to catch them!
Most of our barracuda are actually caught while actively poling for bonefish. It’s not uncommon while scanning for bonefish to spot a three, four, or even five foot long ‘cuda laid up on the flats. So if you spot one, why not make a cast at it? Let’s be honest – any bonefish in the area is probably not going to eat your fly with one of these in the area anyhow!
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