At Andros South, it’s no secret that our primary fishery revolves around bonefish. We have some other popular flats species around as well – a few tarpon and permit are spotted each year cruising our flats, but we’d be the first to tell you that they’re generally not available in numbers worth dedicating your day to.
But that’s not to say we don’t fish for some other really cool species on the fly!
In fact, some of our guests prefer to dedicate an afternoon (or even a full day) to targeting other species on the fly such as barracuda, jacks, snappers, and.. You got it.. Sharks!
We see all kinds of really cool sharks throughout our season, but the two species we see most of on our flats are lemon sharks (pictured above) and black tips. And, believe it or not, they will occasional take a well offered fly! Sharks are super aggressive, shockingly fast, fight extremely hard, and as you can see from the photo above, are a whole bunch of fun to catch.
So, the next time the weather is anything but perfect for bonefishing, consider chasing some other species.. We think its a great way to enhance a fishing trip!
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