It’s no secret that bonefish are tough to see, and when scanning for bonefish, sometimes other objects in the water look an awful lot like fish – rocks, sticks, clumps of grass, bonefish sized barracuda, and so on.
As a general rule, if the object is not moving, it’s probably not a bonefish. But, the movement of the boat coupled with the wave action of the water can give even inanimate objects the appearance of movement.. So if you can’t tell if it’s a fish or not, what do you do?
Cast at it regardless! Or, in the words of Andros South guide, Josie Sands, “When in doubt, cast it out!”
Worst case scenario? Your guide tells you it wasn’t fish. Best case scenario? It is a bonefish, it eats your fly, and you get to feel really good about hooking a bonefish you spotted yourself.
So, if you think you see a bonefish, but aren’t quite sure, give it a try.. You’ve got nothing to lose!
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